Monday, April 09, 2012

Mad Stuy

I'd never heard about Robert Kennedy's Bed-Stuy Reclamation Project until I read Evan Thomas' definitive (in my humble Harvard on the Appomattox opinion, of course) bio; shortly after I'd read it I found myself walking through Bed-Stuy with Louis Mitchell, a teaching buddy and one of the funniest guys I've ever met (and the first who shared an intense love of talking about food) when he casually pointed out a building that had been used for the project by IBM, long since abandoned. The mixture of reading about history and walking into it shortly thereafter was buzz-inducing (along with the Colt 45 forties I surely had that night.)

Last night's Mad Men kept speaking of "troubles" in Bed-Stuy, and this is what all that shit was about, and it was the Bed-Stuy riots that got Bobby Kennedy interested in poking around to improve the wasteland, as he had in the Delta and Appalachia.

When's the RFK movie starring Barry Pepper getting made, dammit?!?!

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