Friday, April 20, 2012

Office Crush Friday Update

Office Crush MVP today is (so far) Chunky Crush, who breezed in this morning with her hair up in a sweeping, playful way. Usually I hate it when women have their hair up because nothing softens my dick more than a woman's forehead (or squirrel bullies in the local bath houses, I reckon), but somehow this works for her. Hey, to be honest it's just great that she's making the effort for me; I get the feeling that if we were to hook up she'd make sure to have her drawers match her bra. Meanwhile Pizza Office Crush and Turtle Office Crush would just be rolling their eyes re: how lucky I was they were doing it with me. As for Official Office Crush, if I'm banging her it means I'm in a race against rigor mortis setting in, so.

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