Wednesday, May 09, 2012

A Modest Proposal

A few years ago HERE I wrote:
Any of you hetero couples whose marriage is destroyed by the fact that gay people can officially wed, send your stories here. Seriously,I'd love to hear it. If this decision somehow renders your marriage moot, if you find the sanctity of your own wedlock destroyed because of gay marriage, write me. I will post every actual example sent in. As I stated here, before the past few weeks people against gay marriage only had haughty, generic platitudes/fear-mongering rhetoric on their side - now that it's all starting to happen, I'm offering to help you bolster your case with actual facts.
And the other day Sully asked Maggie Gallagher what harm has same-sex marriage caused?

While it's comforting to know that much like the boot-heel of oppression being steadfast on the throat of white America people in favor of traditional marriage are the real victims here, her line "The ideal for a child is a mother and father, and this is why marriage is important" is what most sticks out to me.

IS this the ideal for a child? I have no idea - maybe, maybe not, who knows. But if so, why stop there? Why not demand that the ideal is not only man/woman, but that each makes over, say, $150,000/year? Certainly THAT would benefit a child, no? Why are we allowing high school graduates to marry - wouldn't spouses who are college educated be more ideal for a child? Why do we allow obese people to marry, or prisoners? Why should I be allowed to marry if I have a lot of speeding tickets - certainly my daredevil driving can only hut future children, right?

Sounds to me like we're not being discriminating ENOUGH when it comes to "traditional marriage."

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