Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Oh, For Fuck's Sake

I finally gave GIRLS some love last week, and they thank me by going straight back to Lena Dunham's blogging lists of "Awful Things That Can Happen to Young Women", coupled with "What're the Worst Ways Young Women Can React to Men Being Douchebags?" For fuck's sake, can she finally check all the items on her endless lists off so we can have a real fucking show? How many OMG! awful things can happen to her before we officially name her the Kelly from 90210 of her generation:
Postscript: was there any conceivably dangerous plotline they didn't give Kelly? Kelly gets raped. Kelly gets raped AGAIN (attempted), and has to shoot the dude. Kelly gets shot randomly, Kelly lived in a gutter with other crack rats, Kelly almost gets killed in a fire, Kelly had every eating disorder, Kelly was on the Space Shuttle Challenger, Kelly was on the Titantic, Kelly was at Dealey Plaza and Kelly sold victrolas in Nagasaki. Jesus fucking christ. We get it: she's a snobby bitch of a cunt who looks down on everybody else and I wish was dead! We get it, enough already!!
ps - how banging was David Mamet's daughter's tight little body? Damn. And yet dude won't bang her because she's a virgin? Please. I'd have hit it if she told me she was a virgin with humans, but not wolverines.

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