Tuesday, May 08, 2012


The folks over at Sully have been going on about atheism and agnosticism for a while, and this reader caught my eye:
If you don't believe in the existence of a God, you're an atheist, but that doesn't mean you have to be a movement Atheist. If you can name yourself a Christian without being tagged as a religious-right evangelical, why can't you admit to being an atheist without people assuming you're a ranting, card-carrying Dawkins disciple?
For some reason atheists have this tag on them that they're desperately trying to turn believers into atheists like themselves, which to me is like being under the impression that homosexuals are on a 24/7 mission to hypnotize you away from heterosexuality. In other words, inane. (On a side note, I'm fairly certain gay dudes don't want added competition any more than I do.)

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