Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sunday Morning Bullshit

The list really is incredible: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Rudy Giuliani, and current Republican Senator Richard Lugar.  I mean, what the fuck?  Isn't that like interviewing the Chicago Cubs after The World Series? - XMASTIME re: the ridiculous guest rosters of the Sunday morning talk shows
I've never watched the Chris Hayes show, and prolly never will, but I think TNC gets this right:
The other four shows here are rooted in "The Big Get," and are framed around an interview with a senator or a governor, people who generally tend to be white and male. But Chris features politicians in the way that they feature anyone else. If he gets a senator or governor, great. If he doesn't, oh well. From his perspective there's no real reason to believe that John McCain is going to give you the most informed perspective on housing policy.
I've never really understood the whole "no matter what the subject is, let's start with John McCain and work ourselves down from  there", when they're obviously surrounded by experts on the given subject. Crock of shit. This policy has made those shows pretty unwatchable. "We're doing a segment on Derek Jeter...if McCain can't do it, I guess we'll settle for Derek Jeter."

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