Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Final Vinyl

Personally, while I grew up with and love vinyl, I could give a shit about whether or not a song is delivered via vinyl or mp3 UNLESS it's a Ramones or Phil Spector song - to me, the Wall of Sound was made for vinyl, and the rest is just jerkoffs trying to sell you something. Believe me, unless the Wall of Sound is involved, you're not missing anything on your earbuds. - XMASTIME
Via SULLY, we see someone else finally being honest about his precious ears:
Like some people who say they have fibromyalgia or gluten intolerance, far more vinyl collectors think they’re audiophiles than actually are. Owning a decent turntable does not turn your ears into trembling flowers, unable to bear the bitmapped harshness of digital. It began to dawn on me—me, someone who had preached the sanctity of vinyl from my record-store pulpit for so long—that I couldn’t really tell the difference between a 7-inch and an MP3. Or rather, I could tell there was a slight difference, but it wasn’t enough to justify the huge portion of my income that I was spending on vinyl.

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