Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Mad Men

TNC wonders why we're supposed to give a shit about Don Draper:
Despite some great acting, I don't really care what happens to Don Draper. I don't much care whether he's pathetic. I don't much care whether he's a badass. I know who he is, and who he is will never change. So his story is pretty much over. There are other, more interesting, characters. But because Don is the show's centerpiece, they'll never get the time that he gets.
It's gotten to the point that I'm watching with the mere hope that Roger, Ted, and Harry Hamlin will be onscreen together. Yeah, it's still a show that I'm addicted to, but the whole Don thing was best summed up weeks ago:
Why should I care anymore about this miserable soul? Because he gets to his front door, slumps down to the ground, and feels sad?
 Ugh. And this past episode didn't help - oh no, another drug-fueled dream we hafta follow Don through to discover himself, oh no he hates himself because he's so amazing, oh my!!

TNC's also right in that whereas Weiner used to seem to go out of his way to not use significant events of the day as crutches, he can't seem to go a minute now without "hey look, it's 1968! Wow! Are you getting this? Hey, over here!! The 60s, man!"

It's like I've botched about since the beginning: just stick with the fucking office already.

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