Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Well. This Is Frightening.

It wasn't in the movies but I'd put my mother on this list; once when I was a little kid standing beside the pool at a Best Western (don' h8, poor people!) my mother became exasperated with my being scared of the water and said "hey, look over there!" I then found myself sinking like a rock to the bottom of the pool courtesy of my mother's foot, and such was my indignation that I simply laid on the bottom until someone had to fish me out. Ha! Take THAT, Mom! - XMASTIME
Despite having to pass a swim class to graduate from The Harvard of the Appomattox, my relationship with water has not changed, and it's officially gotten worse now since I now see that you could be drowning and the numbnuts next to you might not even realize it. Great.

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