Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Brideshead Revisited Revisited

Is the ending to Brideshead Revisited the greatest ending of any movie of all time?  Gotdam. Who's cutting onions around here....  - XMASTIME
THIS GUY HERE stumbles into the real-life Sebastian Flyte:
You may recall that Sebastian Flyte is the youthful drunkard with whom the narrator of Brideshead Revisitedfalls in love when they are undergraduates at Oxford. At the time nothing registered. So great was the disparity between the two images -- young radiant Lord Sebastian Flyte and the jittery old codger in the pub—that it wasn’t until the following week that I recalled my seaside encounter years before and realized that although I didn’t know why, I certainly knew where.

Sebastian Flyte was living in New Quay.
Oh yeah, and he was Conan O'Brien.

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