Thursday, May 21, 2015

Xmastime TV Review

I previously lambasted the stodgy, hamfisted, pretty awful Undateable. For some reason I feel compelled to keep watching it, pretty much because the Justin character is genuinely laugh-out-loud funny even if everything else about the show sucks.

But I just watched an episode that they aired live, and must say it was actually pretty funny. The guest stars helped as well as the acknowleding several times that they were on tv. And Justin cracking up was dynamite.

So I actually thohguht to myself "fuck it, why don't they do all their shows live? There's nothing original at all about the show, but that could really set it apart and give it some life." And if they actually waxed the dude's stomach hair, even better.

I'm almost never right - but then VOILA!  All of next season will be live!

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