Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Little Progress So Far

Hmm. Just realized the last phone number I have for her is from 1990. PREEEETTY sure she ain't still living with her folks, but what the heck. Gave it a whirl. Her father answered. I finally hung up after 5 minutes of "Who? what? You're who? Who are you? what the -." You'd think my stalking skills would be more refined; but I guess I did kinda cash my chips in during the early 90s when Caller ID came around. Maybe I'll try the ol' "ask mutual friends" route...but after I broke her heart, do I really think this girl's friends are gonna wanna help me get back with her? Hmm. I'm thinking, in a word, "no." Reckon I can't casually lay waste to a girl's feelings like I did and expect things to be easy when I decide I'm done tomcatting around, and ready to have something real with her. Surely she's heard of the numbers I've put up through the years with the ladies (DEFINITLY why my back is fucked up!) all while she, bless her heart, probably sat by the phone. Probably has a sweater that's a mile long by now for me, knitting by the phone for me to finish sowing my oats and let her love me again. Aight, I'll try some other tricks up my sleeve. Stay tuned.

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