Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Ode to WAC III

I would like to submit that the movie-sequels "riff" from below was not soley my own; my buddy Will and I have had this riff going for years. So let's give credit where credit is due. Other things about Will:

- "not comfortable" watching porn
- does not like eggs or milk (freak)
- once shit his pants in school in 5th grade
- once led my squad of squads, DT & the Shakes (look them up fuckfaces)
- played football in the vaunted Northern Neck District.
- played tennis in high school. Which, of course, makes him gay.
- previously owned my first car, a 1978 Ford fiesta. Sigh.
- only person on record as actually ordering, and eating, the fish fillet from McDonalds. They LOOOOOOVE when he comes rolling in.
- goes to White Castle, orders the fried clams, and then has the chutzpah to be disgusted with them. Wow.
- Might be the slowest human runner on earth. and I'm including my Aunt Pat on that list.


Anonymous said...

what about the "never watched an episode of friends" thing?

Anonymous said...

no Dbag. it's joe godsy.

Anonymous said...

i'ma slap the shit out of you next time i see your sorry ass.