In my mind, this election is more about the voters than it is the candidates. If we vote the same fuckwits back into power that have done everything they possibly can (well, so far anyways, we’ll see what the idiots come up with today) to completely destroy what once was the greatest country in the world, then we really have to step back and wonder what the hell is wrong with us. Seriously, somebody has to explain to me why he or she would vote, in the year 2006 Anno Dominos Pizza, to keep these people in power. Unless you’re a rich white male, how on earth can you pull the trigger for those guys? Name one issue that even used to be a Republican rallying cry. Fiscal responsibility? Please. I’ve been more responsible with money after waking up under the pool table at the Nest soaking in my own urine. Well. SOMEbody’s urine anyways. Now, if you’re super-rich and are one of the wealthiest people in the country, then it would make sense since you’d be the one getting all the tax cuts. Lucky you! Odds are however that you’re one of the other 297 million people in the country, so unless you own an NFL franchise or have a lawsuit cookin against McDonalds, you’re a fucking idiot if you vote Republican.
Defense? (had to stop typing, tears from laughter were shorting my keyboard.) It’s been the notion forever that Republicans are strong on Defense, we’ve always taken it for granted. But boy, it’s hard to even come up with a scenario wherein they could’ve botched this whole thing this badly, right? Maybe if they had accidentally sent in puppies instead of troops? Flapjacks instead of body armor? Man. I’m surprised we didn’t invade Chinatown by accident. “Herro, twoops! Is that a framefrowa? Aaaaaiiiggghhhh!!!!” We are less safe that we were on 9-10-01 and that is all on Fuckwit and his boys Cheney and Rummy et al. Unless your name is Osama Bin Laden, you’re a fucking idiot if you vote Republican. And if your name is Osama Bin Laden and you’re reading this blog, might I suggest for your next video throwing my name out? I could use some heat with the ladies, I would think a shout-out from the world’s most wanted man would really up my “bad boy” status. Just something to think about.
Even though like I have said before that if they really wanted to stamp out abortion they probably already would have, and I hate even bringing it up because it’s such a smokescreen non-issue used to rile up people for nothing, the fact that they’re on that side of the issue as well as South Dakota is voting to ban abortion altogether would make me believe that if you were a woman, you would not want to even take the chance that the right to choose would be taken from you. I am not a woman, but one spoke to me once and I feel it’s safe to say that if you’re a woman, then you’re a fucking idiot if you vote Republican. I realize this might cost me some future Xmastime groupies, but let’s face it - unless you’ve learned how to survive on radiator paint and boxer-sweat, you probably wouldn’t wanna be “with me.”
If you don’t want scientific research done on globs of goo in labs so that cures can be found for diseases that one day could kill you or your loved ones, then by all means vote Republican. Because then you’re such a fucking idiot that you deserve to die by the very disease that you would not allow to be cured. Funny, these Christians et al are appalled by the thought of curing Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s etc but they sure don’t mind impotence being worked on, do they? Hey, maybe it’s God’s will that you have a limp dick, buddy! Let it lie! “What would Jesus do?” you ask? Well, first of all I guess he’d try a cock ring; after that he would NOT vote Republican cause HE’S NOT AN IDIOT!!
And so on, and so on...I had a list of issues to spray on about, but jesus fucking christ. Enough is enough. There is NOTHING, NO ISSUE that you can use to convince that your vote to keep these people in power is the right choice. Unless you are a rich white man, then you’re a fucking idiot to let them back in power on Tuesday.
ps...just to show I'm still an old softee, here's a lil treat:

"hahaha!! he bought the meth, then threw it away before one of his 'massages'!!!! Rusty, you're KILLING me!!!!!!!"
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