Friday, December 22, 2006

Eat the Poor

Fairly stunning article I stumbled upon in the Snoop Dog cover of Rolling Stone by economist Paul Krugman. I knew the gap between the super-rich and the “regular people” was getting wider, but this article really lays out how absurd it has become. Quote that amidst all the numbers really jumped out at me:

“Lately, however, we have experience a death of outrage.”

For three+ years now I’ve been screaming re: where the fuck is this country’s outrage? False wars, flat-out lying by our “leaders”, rigged elections, gas prices out of control for years, corporate welfare destroying hard-working peoples lives and we can’t be bothered to even get a little miffed. “Oh well” we shrug. The piece de resistance of our incredible lack of giving a shit being, of course, re-electing the administration in 2004. Things had gotten awful, but we just weren’t satisfied until we had driven ourselves COMPLETELY into the ground, right? I’ve spent years thinking what is it going to take for us to finally say enough is enough?

“But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (R.I.P), “we DID stand up during the 2006 elections!”

Well, that’s great and all, but let’s remember that after 6 years of lying, years of Americans dying because of sheer incompetence and hubris, years of being screwed by these fuckwads who don’t even PRETEND to not be laughing at us anymore it was Mark Foley and the other silly fucking scandals the Republicans found themselves drowning in that finally made us chagrined, FINALLY made us think hey, waaaaait a minute.... We’ve become a country that doesn’t mind being screwed and pissed on by the ultra-rich as long as they’re cheating on their wives with high-priced female escorts instead of other men. What is it finally going to take for us to be outraged enough to fucking do something about it? We trot out cameras to film Cindy Sheehan and let the GOP treat her as if she's the devil, she must be CRAAAAAAAZY, unhinged! but thats ONE person that has stood up in protest, ONE person out of 300 million Americans, and we've let her be treated like a punchline. We should be ashamed of ourselves.

I’m not gonna go crazy here, I don't want this to be about the daily furious rantngs of Xmastime, the article should shock you enough. The rich are geting richer, the poor are getting poorer and we seem to be eating it up with a spoon.

Ps – yes, I know it being in Rolling Stone may detract from it’s credibility. I can understand that, think what you will, but I’ve linked Paul Krugman’s wikipedia bio here if you need a little assurance.

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