Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Speech

Well. No reason to blather here, yall know how I feel about the ridiculousness of this "plan." Send in a few more soldiers to die in the next 24 months, just enough to keep us there till W can leave office and hand off the quagmire to the next guy and go back to clearing brush in Crawford. We're supposed to give this asshole another chance,"oooh, THIS time it's going to work!!" even though these people have spent 5 years being 100% absolutely wrong at every turn, at every single moment. These people have been right about nothing, and here we are "OOOOOOOOOOkay, we'll give you one more chance...." The patience we have with this is stunning. Where does this credibility come from? A man unbelievably not qualified to even be President, not even really elected his first term, had 53 million people vote against him the next time and now has a qb rating that looks up at Rex Grossman, and he's entitled to another chance with thousands of lives? Oh well. Who can even get angry at this point? It's a joke. He looked pathetic last night, it all just seemed sad that we've let it come to this.

Tell you what I did like, though. Throughout the night I'd flash over to Fox News. Every other channel, heated debates about the speech. Fox News? Sea lion doing sit ups. Wow! Thanks! Gee. Oh, and Ann Coulter is all of a sudden interested in the Duke lacrosse case. Hmmm. It's mystery!!!

1 comment:

Xmastime said...

sad thing is, at this point above all else I just flat out don't believe a word he says. Which is teribble. I always allow for a modicum of bs from politicians, but if this guy could come on tv and said "if you turn around in your seat there's a $100 bill sitting there for you, Xmastime" I wouldn't bother. I'd just stare at the tv thinking what a fucking liar. And while in any other circumstance my natural inclination is to file such thinking under my being irrational, with this guy (and his crew) I have no guilt as he has more than earned my unfettered mistrust.