Monday, February 12, 2007


Not all vitriol a new tv show. “Extras” on HBO. Oh, I fought it...British, and had to keep hearing from my friends about how much better the English version of “The Office” is than the American one. Finally saw it and wanna eat up a whole nother season. Laugh out loud funny and has my favorite character since Costanza, Ricky Gervais’ agent. Looks like a praying mantis, just looking at him I crack up. So catch this whole last season HBO On Demand, you won’t regret it. And I have a huge crush on the girl Maggie. Sigh.


Xmastime said...

sigh. Yes, it's solely because of RRTHUR I even know this show exists. christ.

BayonneMike said...

Just in time for the last episode next week. Way to be ahead of the curve, Xmas? What's next? Are you going to endorse Monty Python's?

BayonneMike said...

Stephen Merchant's character is a little broader this season. They've given him much goofier things to do. In the first season, he was pretty low key.

What always cracks me up is how Ricky Gervais is always about to erupt with a "For fuck's sake!"

Xmastime said...

you mean the one with De Niro? which...I saw last night? OOOOOOH, that puts ME ahead of YOU!!! BAYONNEMIKE SUX!!!!!