Friday, February 09, 2007

This Is What We've Become?

A few weeks ago I was, unfortunately, watching “Saturday Night Live” with RRTHUR (yes ladies, THAT RRTHUR) and there was a skit where these two dudes were showing their new short film to Lorne Michaels. After a few seconds it became clear that the whole joke was that TA-DA! The film was awful. Purposely awful, canned bad acting etc. Ok you think, I get it. But it went on for like 5-7 minutes. Or seemingly 4 days. I got more and more furious as I watched; THIS is the best SNL can come up with? “Forget coming up with something that’s actually funny, we’ll just film something that’s awful and wink at the audience that we’re doing it on purpose! Now THAT’S funny: comedic irony lapping itself.” Terrible. As if normally they’re SO amazingly funny that they can also do it the other way. And I guess we’re supposed to appreciate this. What if you’re at a restaurant and the waiter drops your food on the floor, sets your shirt on fire and then sets your shirt on fire again, but the whole time winking at you that you’re in on the joke?

Which brings me to my review....The new Sarah Silverman show on Comedy Central. I’ve always liked her – she’s funny AND hot. But this new show is UNWATCHABLE. Ironically bad writing, ironically bad acting, ironically bad everything– the only thing missing was the requisite ironically bad cheesy 80’s music (which I’m sure is coming.) AND it goes on for 30 minutes! We’re supposed to be into this? You can be bad/terrible, as long as you’re winking to the audience, in on the “joke”? Unwatchable. It’s fucking insulting and offensive. Millions of dollars spent on “oh, we’ll just a have a canned performance, with over-the-top amateurness/slacker/neurotic childness, they’ll eat it up.” UNWATCHABLE!!

And no one appreciates a good fecal joke like yours truly, but 30 minutes of diarrhea and queef jokes from someone who’s getting paid? Wow, thanks!

I am still furious I watched this fucking show for 30 minutes and I never will again.


ope said...

UH-bysmal. and i only watched the last 7 minutes. i did dig the snl short, tho. and the randoms walking the office halls wondering what the hell was goin on. verite! with cats for lasers.

Xmastime said...

too long, tho. way too long. course, that's SNL's trademark i guess

Anonymous said...

The time has come to either reduce SNL to 30 minutes, fire every writer and performer and start again, or cancel the show. It SUCKS.

Let's take a paper thin sketch premise that has a 20% chance of being funny for 2 minutes. Let's hammer the punchline so hard that a retard won't miss it and s-t-r-e-t-c-h the skit out until everybody watching is either uncomfortable or reaching for the remote. Then we'll turn the fucker over to that scary little blond with the bitch eyes who reads the amazingly unfunny fake news. Then we'll hire a music act who offered the most grease to get on the show. Or see if fucking Aerosmith has anything new to flog.

Hate, hate, hate, hate it. And this is from watching only once or twice per season for years.

Saturday night is for combing the crabs off of Xmastime's nuts anyway. C'mon ya'll, anything is better than SNL. Senior Women's Topless Golf is better than SNL.