Monday, March 12, 2007


A coupla days ago, a friend of mine marveled that I had the most unfounded self-confidence of anyone he had ever seen.

"What does that mean?" I say.

"I mean, I don't know anyone who has as much self-confidence as you. But look at your life, look at you....there's no WAY you should think that highly of yourself, but you do. It's really incredible."

eye-eye-eye. In his defense, he thought he was giving a compliment. Good intentions. But is this the worst thing you can say to someone? "Oh by the way, that self-confidence, that one thin strip of liking yourself that keeps you functional? Yeah, that should go too."

Ah well. Will all change when I publish my "Dogs Sticking their Heads Out of Moving Cars" Calendar and make it big.

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