Tuesday, March 06, 2007

You're....Shitting Me?

Last 2 or 3 hours flippin through the channels it's been of course nothing but the Scooter Libby verdict. I wasn't gonna bother chiming in, I'm sure you'd consider my thoughts obvious and redundant and obvious. Maybe I should've thought of an actual synonym for "obvious" to make it more clever, but life is short. So just now I thought well, let's see what my good, good, good buddy Sean Hannity is saying about the verdict.

He's saying...nothing. Guess what he's talking about? I shit you not: the Easter Bunny. Dude is interviewing a guy on the term "Easter Bunny." The. Easter. Bunny. I've been saying for a while that you can tell how much deep shit the administration is in by how outraged and vociferous O'Reilly all of a sudden becomes over some Vermont judge on his show, but this? Unreal. What's next - Cheney bombs Idaho and my buddy Sean talks about this for a few hours?


Anonymous said...

Well the spirit of Easter is slowly catching up with people...and why not it's approaching slowly and it's truly a wonderful celebration...and hey in the spirit of Easter also check out my blog on Easter Wishes sometime and i'm sure you'll enjoy all that's there!!!

Alicia said...

Could Cheyney wait until I move before he okays the bomb on Idaho.
It's not my fault I live in this wasteland...