Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I Can't Believe I'm About to Use the Word "Fitful"

I would NOT wanna be any brush in Crawford Texas right now; your ass is FUCKED.
"Throughout we have taken a measured approach: firm but calm, not negotiating but not confronting either," Blair said in a brief statement to reporters. "And the disagreements that we have with your government we wish to resolve peacefully through dialogue. I hope, as I have always hoped, that in the future we are able to do so."

I mean, the Chimpster had BARELY gotten to stick his nose in the situation to completely fuck things up (am I fucking dreaming, did we even get any countries at all to hate our guts?? Wtf? is he even trying any more?), probably thinking that while in Crawford this week clearing brush he could think up ways to bloviate about bombing Iran back to the Stone Age, completely terrify us into thinking that Iran was coming to get us over here in the very boat they had seized, and we would have to deploy the KISS Army along with the 3 people in the National Guard who haven't already been on 4 tours of duty to break the collective American foot off in their ass. I.E. What Jesus Would Do. All, of course, to the soundtrack of a brand new Alan Jackson rush-release single "Iraq, Iran, Whoever!" And now Britain has gone behind his back and peacefully ended the crisis without us having a chance to be scared into giving up our rights to wear white socks with khakis. Dammit!! Today's 5-hour nap will be fitful, at best.

1 comment:

BayonneMike said...

You meant Trace Adkins, right? Alan Jackson is all right in my book.