Monday, April 16, 2007

Women Dating?

What's the deal with women and dating? Buddy of mine mentioned the other night that all the girls we know, they never have dates. Really? I guess I always assume any decent-looking chick I know is out on 4 dates a week. But I do hear women moaning and groaning that nobody asks them out. Then in the same breath, rolling their eyes re: some dude hitting on her what gives? Are good-looking women really being passed over by dudes, or are women not counting the dudes that they reject? And is this whole "men don't approach beautiful women" a bunch of nonsense? Are hot women really sittin at home on Friday nights with their tivo humming? Should I just play the odds and myths and ask out every single woman I know? As I type this is it large on a tv screen a la "Sex and the City"? Can I please stop typing before I officially hit "gay"?


Anonymous said...

"Are hot women really sittin at home on Friday nights with their tivo humming?"

I can't speak for hot women but us ugly ol' gals sure are.

Anonymous said...

Like you, they're waiting for someone waaaay richer and waaay better looking than they are. Faaaahk! Even Chaucer understood the allure of a gap-toothed woman!

Anonymous said...

i'd settle for homely and bucktoothed at this point. We can fix the teeth and no man is really homely....when the rubber meets the road.