Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sweet, Sweet Vindication

From none other than a real expert, John T. Edge.

So, while we're talking condiments: Ketchup or mustard?
Mustard. Ketchup tastes saccharine sweet. It's for pantywaist burger-lovers. It's a pantywaist condiment. If you look at the best burgers today, ketchup is banished and mustard is relished.

Sorry, Watty! And apparently some Shake Shack backlash (Shakelash!) has started. Whatevs. Can't think of a better burger I've ever had, nor can I even conceive of one (though it's always fun trying.)


Anonymous said...

John T. Edge said these things about ketchup on burgers because he is on Xmastime's payroll.

here. said...

i'd like to handle that audit ... hiyooo!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

so is it bad that I like ketchup on my scrambled eggs too?

BayonneMike said...

You need to check out the Fatburger in Jersey City. No waiting! Plus, you can play the jukebox for free.

Nothing wrong with ketchup on scrambled eggs.

Anonymous said...

can't find a betta burg...

Anonymous said...

"You've banished our love into ruins." - Ketchup

Gina said...

"What's up, Ketchup?"

"Mootard, Retard."