Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cunt Fuck Dick!!!!!

So the Mets are having a kid with Tourette's throw out the ball at tonite's game. Which obviously is a very nice thing to do, and certainly a thrill for any kid. But it did make me start thinking about Tourette's...why is it that the words these people always involuntarily shout out are "bad" words? What's this from? No one with Tourette's ever shouts out "truck bamboo watercolors!!"

So I think you see where I'm going here...I'm calling bullshit on Tourette's. Why WOULDN'T a kid pretend to have a "disease" where he gets to shout out bad words? This would be like me having an "uncontrollable disease" wherein I had to reach out and grab women, but of course I "had to" grab their titties every time. Tourette kids: like the chicks in Salem, the jig is up.

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