Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fuck These Flicks

After recovering from the shock of GodIHateYourBand posting more than once in a score of days, I thought of flicks other than Scarface that as a living member of the male race I'm supposed to love, but could care less about. The short list:

Caddyshack (yes, I know I'm the worst person in the world for this)
Big Lebowski (am I the only guy in the world that doesn't have every line memorize?)
Any assortment of the Rambo series
Royal Tannenbaums
Austin Powers
Anything with Ah-nold. Except, of course, Twins.
This is Spinal Tap

It's not that these are all awful movies, I just can't seem to last 10 minutes through one of them without wandering through my mind, thinking about cake. And then you gotta hear every mf in the world blather bout these over and over to each other, which doesn't help. Trying to think of other examples.


BayonneMike said...

You're wrong about The Big Lebowski and This Is Spinal Tap. Some of the others are definitely overrated (still don't get the Caddyshack hype--even watched it twice to see if I missed something. Nope.).

Anonymous said...

I think these movies are more like cultural literacy for guys. You don't have to love them, but you better understand other dudes who make White Russian or "folding little bread" jokes.

Anonymous said...

The one that jumps at me is "Scarface." What a load of overrated shit that is. Al Pacino should have been given a Lifetime Achievement Award for "Worst Performance Ever by a Well Known Actor." Has he even recovered?

Rambler said...

Fletch is great! Forget Big Lebowski, Kingpin is the only bowling movie anyone needs to see!