Thursday, October 25, 2007

Funny vs. Funny

The thing that drives me nuts re: being funny in real life vs. tv or the movies is in real life, you don't get that pause of silence, the space you get if there's a script. In a show, you can set up a joke or a riff a few seconds before you drop it, and the script can have the people you're wih standing there quiet. How many times have you set yourself up in real life and then when you go in for the kill, some numbfuck dipshit jumps in and starts blurting away? Every day. Drives me nuts. You watch the American Masters on Bob Newhart and you see the genius in the quiet, the extended pauses. Kills. You never get that in real life. You take a minute setting everything up like a puppeteer, and then it all crashes down cause some chutterfuck who's not funny wants to be loud. Fucking hell.


here. said...

you know, funny you mentioned that, just read the same type thing on

Anonymous said...

Don't confuse staged performance with reality. The world is not your sitcom. The beast will not lay down his head and sheath his claws at your bidding. Too many chutterfucks. Chutterfucks is now our "Word of the Day!" Thanks Xmastime!

Gina said...

it's even worse when you are not funny to begin with, as I the poster child for unfunny can attest. The interruptions are often a welcome relief for me. Still I try...

Gina said...

in fact there is one mentally retarded kid that I work with. He has a very limited vocabulary and a perpetual smile. One of his few phrases is " you're funny".
Really? You think so? I don't know if he really means it.