Wednesday, October 24, 2007


All over the news this morning peeps were talking about the Lt. Governor of California sniping that maybe they’d have better luck controlling the massive fires throughout the area if Bush had the National Guard there instead of overextended in Iraq. And so of course everybody on tv was horrified by this, everyone saying “oh no, this is not the time to say that! Not the time for that!” I know our jobs as citizens is to not say anything to remotely possibly upset the troops, who want nothing to do with coming home and thirst to solve the Middle East in the name of Jesus Christ and George Bush, but I say this is the ABSOLUTE CORRECT time to bring this up. The abuse of the National Guard is one of the many disservices these people have done to us for the last few years; but unless it comes back to physically haunt us in a real fashion, we never seem to care, do we? Unless our house is burning down and we could use some help, we’re not a country that likes to ask such things. We're certainly not SUPPOSED to, anyways. Hmm. How "American." Meanwhile, we’re dealing with the people who couldn’t be bothered with warnings about Bin Laden until planes crashed into New York City. These are the people that ignored Katrina until of all people Fidel Castro popped his head in to “ahhhh…are you gonna do something, or should I?” So save your righteous indignation and faux outrage – this is the fucking moment to ask why the hell the people in CA are even more helpless than they should be. I'm sure the powers that be would rather it quietly happen when, say, Britney is showing her pussy in a Buick and all we care about is that.

My friend Jiggers once told me a pearl of wisdom: don’t wait til mid-shit to buy toilet paper.

1 comment:

Rambler said...

Mid-shit. I wait till I'm finished to get a new roll. Oh wait, that explains a lot!