Monday, October 22, 2007

The Wild, the Innocent, and Bill O'Reilly

So Bill O’Reilly is under the impression that any anti-Bush/anti-war sentiments by anyone are not to be taken as valid unless they come onto his own show and spar with him. Interesting. Unless you come into the “No-Spin Zone” and impress him with an array of pie charts and graphs, you are not to speak out about anything. I don’t know what’s more impressive here – O’Reilly’s immense ego, or his being threatened (scared?) that so many young voters may be persuaded in their thinking by Springsteen to see the powers that be what they are: anti-American. What does he expect – I’m an 18 year old voter, am I really getting any inspiration and leadership from any politician alive right now? Should he be getting his ideas from you, Bill? Hannity? Rush? God forbid I listen to someone who’s thoughtful, articulate and compassionate who happens to be a singer – it’s a shame I can’t get such thinking from, say, my president.

Sorry Bill, but last time I checked the “liberal, deceitfully-led” 18 year-old’s vote counts as much as your tired, old cynical one does. You sound scared that someone’s pulling the curtain and voters will see the wizard to be what he really is. And you should be, cause remember: this is ouuuuuurrr country…whoops, sorry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agree with ya buddy, primarily because I think O'Reilly is a dipshit. But unless Bruce takes Dylan's path (as in, write politcal songs and refuse to comment on ANYTHING, saying "I'm just a songwriter"), you kinda have to be up for debating your opinion, somewhere. Bruce has gone beyond being a songwriter. He's an activist. And good for him. But that means you shouldn't just do one-sided interviews in your livingroom. Now, Bruce can be selective about who he talks to. Don't know if I'd want to give O'Reilly the time of day. But he should be ok with defending his opinion, when he's otherwise so outspoken. No? Bring it on