Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I watched this report on "60 Minutes" the other night and found it fairly shocking. Hey, we all wanna be able to roll into work in our pajamas at noon and play ping pong in the office. But companies are bending over backwards to accompany these kids, simply because this new generation of workers has decided it's what they deserve? Wow. You're telling me these companies cant find enough people to show up at 9am and do what they say? Really? I'm reminded of some show I was watching a while back when some kept woman was on a shopping spree, spending thousands of her boyfriend's dollars on clothes and gleefully exclaiming she could do it because "I deserve it! I'm worth it!!" I was like ...really? Just for existing? You've "earned it"?

More of the softening of America; the dont give out grades and be sure to give everybody trophies after a game of not keeping score. I don't have a lot of faith in this country if we're gonna be "led" by people who were constantly told by their parents that they're amazing just for existing. We can't get shit done NOW for fuck's sake. Soft, undeserved entitlement can be a dangerous thing.

I can't put my finger on it, but I notice this is coinciding with the big immigration "crisis." I wonder why we're so terrified of these people coming across the border - is it cause "ooooh, they wanna kill us all!!!!" or are we scared the curtain will be pulled up and our laziness will be exposed when the immigrants take over our office jobs and work about 700% harder. And they'll hafta take our office jobs; all our manufacturing jobs of course are in China now.

My brother just finished building his house, and by the end he pretty much stopped dealing with white American builders. A lot of these jobs were passed down to them; they'd breeze in around noon, poke around for about 1/2 an hour, then say oh, I forgot a tool, I'll come back tomorrow and then breeze back in three days later. So he got a Mexican crew and they bust their humps all day, every day. And it's not the money - my brother is happy to pay what he would anyone else as long as they're actually, you know, working. He claims that in 20 years the Mexicans will have taken over, and will deserve it. After all, as discussed in a post below, they've already taken over my armpits.


Anonymous said...

"Soft, undeserved entitlement can be a dangerous thing."

Soft, undeserved entitlement is a National Crisis.

I first encountered this phenomenon of worthless, unqualified, overpaid, and non-working trust babies back in the first breath of the dot-gone daze. The company I worked for was handing out six figure starting salaries to whoever showed up with a BA in complaining from Brown.

Among my many duties was to configure and network all new computers for new hires. All these zombies ever cared about, and moaned about constantly, was that their computers weren't downloading free MP3's from Napster fast enough. Bitch, bitch, bitch. Work? Fuckin' kindergarten ran through 20 million of venture capital in a few months and bugged out of its offices overnight, leaving a LOT of unpaid creditors. Felt sorriest for the poor deli guy who they ordered food from every day for the entire office. The company owed him five figures, and all he ever got was grief from the expensive children about their free lunches.

When the whip finally comes down there will be some sad little precious darlings.

Gina said...

It's 3 PM. Time for....Siesta! Ain't it ironic though?