Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Good Book

Also on the NOVA show more than one person said the Bible tells it how it is because it’s, and I quote, “direct from the mouth of God.” Really? But it was written by…dudes. And nobody disputes this. And it wasn’t even written by a single dude in a burst of enlightenment, it was written over the course of time by many dudes. It’s kinda like a reverse slam book, isn’t it? “God Rules, pass it on!! – Mark”

The funny thing to me is that it never occurred to the people that brought us the Bible to claim that God really did write the Bible – they’ve got us believing stories about burning bushes and Noah’s Ark and the resurrection of the dead; why wouldn’t they have said you know what, let’s just tell everybody that God literally handed this to us on the top of a mountain, then they'll REALLY hafta believe it? It’s funny to me that they go through the trouble of putting this book together, full of miracles and extraordinary happenings, they tell us it is the word of God and our lives should therein be ruled by it, but then have no problem telling us it was actually written by the Elks Club. Wtf.

1 comment:

Gina said...

ever wonder why Jesus didn't take the time to write anything down? Why he spoke everything, as if he WERE the Word, himself? The first and the last word,the beginning and the end. Wait...I remember a story were he was seen writing something in the sand. Something about these guys getting ready to stone a woman for being caught in adultery. The one who wrote the story didn't bother to relate what it was that he was writing even...only that the men who were preparing to murder her (since it was the law at the time) walked away, one by one. In the end, she was left there. "Where are your accusers woman?" That was good enough for me. I can accept that kind of savior. You have to check it out for yourself and decide. Bye.