Sunday, November 11, 2007

Height & White

I love it when people are aghast and say "I don't see color!!!!" whenever race comes up. The actual statement being as absurd as their defensiveness. I'm gonna start doing that in other situations - if someone asks me how tall a person is I'm gonna get all offended and act indignant: "EXCUSE me, sir! I do not see height!" and harrumpf away in a snit.

A SIDE NOTE: back in 8th grade a black kid on my bus was pissed cause he got cut from jv basketball tryouts while I made the team and he tried to claim it was cause the Coach (who was black) preferred white players (there being three of us on the team, after all, in a school that was about 65% black.) This kid also happened to be about four feet tall, which prolly had something to do with his getting cut. He was pissed, venting and ranting when he looks at me and said something hysterical I've never forgotten: "you can't teach height or white!" hahaha

A SIDE NOTE TO THE SIDE NOTE: bad form that the side note is longer than the actual post?

1 comment:

Gina said...

not that anything I say ever has anything to do with your topic but suppose you were short, black, overwieght, and still a better player than him... I guess you'd both be out, sitting on the sidelines, him chanting, " can't teach white or height" and you, "can't teach weight or hate", "wider hide rules".

Since heavier kids can take the lighter players down in football,
wouldn't it be athletic justice if the shorter lightweight kids could jump higher?