Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Now We've Jinxed It

Now see, THIS SHIT drives me bananas. While I’m obviously happy homicides are so far down, I don’t like it when we announce it in the press - makes me think any potential killers reading will take umbrage, see this as a challenge. Like we’re taunting them, rubbing their noses in how much they’ve underachieved this year. Especially when we put a time on it, "you guys have til 11:59pm on 12/31 to get your numbers up!" Which can only light a fire under them in my eyes. “They’re calling us out, let’s gets to killing some mofos!! Camon guys, we're better than this!” Can't we let sleeping dogs lie? You don't see any articles in the paper from women who are thrilled because the number of "Guts Gotten Up Into By Xmastime in 2007" has fallen, do you? Hell no. Well, that's a bad analogy cause it wouldn't be true, but you get the point. Lull the big bear to sleep for the gotdam winter.

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