Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Serious Question...

....where the fuck is Britney going all day? Seriously - every day, we're flooded with pictures of Britney driving around. She's running over paparazzi toes, she's flying down the freeway, she's hanging her mud flaps out the door, and on and on and on. Apparently this is what she does all day. Drives around. How many fucking errands can one girl yet not a woman have in one day? And just like how I always laugh at celebrities getting busted for drunk driving when they could pay for a fleet of persoanl drivers, doesn't Britney have a bunch of assistants? These people can't go pick up her coffee and dry cleaning? What the fuck. You'd think with Britney using up so much fucking gas the rest of us would get a price break.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are the reason Britney Spears leaves the house.

She has no other unpaid friends.

She barely has any other human contact.

She is not doing anything creative or interesting. She has no imagination or self-motivation. She likes do drive around and around and around because it's the only time she feels any sense of purpose or control. Her "job" is to drink Grande Frappacinos, smoke Marlboro Lights, eat Taco Bell, and wipe her bald pooty with Charmin Ultra Strong.

We know this because not only do we follow her around all day we go through her trash. She's our own $75,000,000 prisoner.

It's gonna be sad when she leaves us.