Thursday, November 01, 2007

Unreal Bullshit

I just happened upon Dubya's speech on le boob tube and I watch for a minute. He's sneering at the do-nothing Congress, chiding them by saying, and I swear I'm not making this up, that Congress has to "heed warnings about terrorists such as Osama Bin Laden" and, in the same sentence, "listen to our on-field generals and take their advice on the war."

What? Excuse me; did he just say that? Am I high? I'm sitting there shocked, waiting for him to say that Congress "needs to not sit in chairs reading kiddie books while we're under attack!" or "Congress shouldn't play dress-up in flight suits and decalre Mission Accomplished!" Unreal.

And of course, this being at the Heritage Foundation, the crowd erupted into a roar of applause. Unbelievable. How does he get away with that bullshit? It's admirable in a way, the sheer chutzpagh. If that's spelled right.

And it just occured to me - are there tshirts out there that say "You Cant Have BUllSHit without BUSH"? There must be, right? Did I just make that up - is Xmastime even MORE of a genius than we already thought???!!?? WOW!!!! :)

"AND Congress better cut their vacations short if there's a hurricane!!"

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