Monday, January 07, 2008

Back from Target Jeans Shopping

Back. Overwhelemed, whole different world out there. Met a salesman who gets his jeans custom made in Europe. Good lord. In the words of John McClaine, this was a bad day to stop drinking.


Angelissima said...

Target (tar-jay for the fashion-forward set, like yourself)
has the worst fit ever.

I mean, you'd have to have absolutely no natural curves OR be 12 years old OR morbidly obese (again, no generally acceptable hour-glass shape)to look actually fit into their clothes without major wardrobe malfunctions.

The best thing about shopping for clothes at Target is to remember to never, ever buy anything that isn't 75% off. Its not going to fit so why pay retail?

Anyway, men don't generally have these issues, so I hope your day of shopping was a rousing success.

Angelissima said...

Sorry XMAS I didn't do my research.
TARGET SIZE not Target shopping emporium.

ha! I was thinking how strange that you'd go into the city to visit a Target and then what are the chances of running into a guy shopping at Target who would boast about his custom Euro jeans.

Good Luck with the diet!

Tricia said...

oh, I was worried about this. Of course xmastime wouldn't know of the possible confusion that could ensue by combining the words "target" and "jeans."