Monday, January 07, 2008

Day One of Clean Living

10:17am So far, no beer. Bowl of Cheerios for breakfast. Shoulda walked to work, but didn't have sneakers on. Will work out after work. Saw a show with Oprah's Dr. Oz yesterday, said the key was to lose inches off gut. Measured gut. Good lord. 52 inches...which basically means I could use The Barber as a belt. Sigh. Day 1!!!!!

1 comment:

Gina said...

i saw it on late night TV, Greer is her name. I can't tell how old she is, but I'm guessing 60s in a 45 year old face/eye/brow/hairline/lip/chin/neck/boob/butt lift with Botox, lipo and tummy tuck. She's selling motionless exercise to the lazy fat chicks who still up and still eating.