Thursday, January 31, 2008

No Rudy, No Fred, No Thanks

Anybody able to watch 10 minutes of the Republican Debate last night without falling asleep? What’s the point of even watching without the hope that Rudy will explode, or Fred Thompson will say something idiotic and/or get caught falling snoring while standing up? Christ, even Ron Paul’s no fun anymore. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring!!!

But I will say this. If I had a gun to my head and had to choose between Romney and McCain I’m sorry, but it’s Romney and it’s not even close. We like to harrumpf that Romney’s boring, but I’ll take boring over crazy any day; after all, there’s a reason we have housecats as pets and not Tazmanian Devils. I mean, if we know one thing about McCain it’s that he’s determined that we’ll be in Iraq forever. I’m sorry - not forever, but for 100 years. Which, unless you’re Walt Disney with an icebox handy, is forever. He has to I guess, he’s running as Mr. Big Soldier, and without a war to fight Mr. Big Soldier is castrated. It’s like me running on a platform of making Egg Foo Young the national bird, and then the country runs out of eggs. Then what use am I? Other than having invented back farts on linoleum, not much. So of course McCain will hafta keep us in as many wars as possible. Is this appealing to anybody? Sound like a lot of fun? Without even thinking about the co$t and what we’ll hafta give up (as many civil liberties as possible, no government funding for ANYTHING other than military), do we really wanna plant our flag in the sand and declare ourselves as the “War Country”? Doesn’t sound a fun way to go through life…being dipped in butter and shot out of a cannon into the Bunny Ranch, now THAT would be a fun way to go through life. Not endless war.

And Andrew Sullivan needs to get off his train re:McCain is worth voting for just cause he’s the no-torture choice. Obviously I’m 1000% against torture. Period. And yes, I know 1000% is theoretically impossible, but as someone who once scored over half of his team’s points in a jv basketball game, I feel like I can pull rank here and say what the fuck I want. But it seems to me that if we insist on being at war as long as possible with as many people as possible, that only gives us MORE opportunity to backslide into torture, no? I’m not naïve to think that at any point in time there is 0% torture going on, but wouldn’t logic dictate that there’s less of it going on during peacetime than war? War leads to such desperate acts, not peace. So to me, Sully kinda defeats himself here. But who can think straight when they’re so busy sticking Hillary voodoo dolls?

Yes, Romney’s boring. And we hafta hear dipshits cry about how weird Mormonism is. Yeah it’s weird. To me. I also think things like burning bushes and grilled cheese sandwiches with the Virgin Mary on them or handling snakes while drinking strychnine is weird too. So that shit don’t wash with me.

Bottom line: either get Rudy back in or quit showing these fucking debates!! Remember the good ol' days?

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