Monday, January 21, 2008

On Holiday

Several candidates each took time out of their busy campaigns today to commemorate Dr. King's inspiirational work for civil rights. Hillary Clinton spoke of how her admiration for Dr. King in her youth helped shape her public policy works for the last 35 years. Barak Obama while marching through South Carolina acknowledged that without King, there's no way he could be running for President today. And John Edwards remarked "Jesus fucking christ, could there be a WORSE time to be a white man running for President?!??!?!"

Today also marks the 10th anniversary of the day Linda Tripp turned over all the info she had on Monica Lewinsky's affair with President Clinton. Hillary Clinton used the occasion to declare her and her husband's love for each other, while Ms. Lewinsky declined all interviews and media, insisting she simply wants to move on. Ms. Tripp meanwhile is in Year 10 of coming to grips with the fact that if you're played by John Goodman in SNL sketches, those Playboy offers MIGHT not be rolling in after all. Hmm.

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