Friday, February 22, 2008

Am I High?

Hold up. I know we're supposed to be obsessing on the image of someone other than his wife fucking Mr. Paper Mache Head, but did anyone notice McCain voted against a bill that would ban waterboarding and other torture methods? What the fuck, I thought he was the "he was tortured so he would never allow it, he's Mr. Honorable Soldier" candidate? Did I only dream I had read that a million times before? What a Douchy McDoucherson. And in a hundred year war like McCain is hoping for, that's a lot of fucking water.


Gina said...

That's it. Time for a McCaining. I wonder how many water balloons can one Mc Cain cheek hold? Anyone who would permit any level of torture needs a little 'refreshment'.

"Everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people..."
Learn that song. Learn that song.

Gina said...
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