Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Fucking Hate Mike Lupica

While certainly not the only writer to do so, every fucking day for the last month or so Mike Douchebag Lupica has railed at Clemens, piling on what a liar he is, what a phony bologna he is. Clemens would lie to a Wendy's drive-thru, Clemens' inability to tell the truth is helping the terrorists. Righteous indignation being, of course, Lupica's favorite weapon. And yet today dipshit is crying and bitching cause Clemens doesn't wanna talk about the situation while in Astros' camp in Fla. Hey fuckwad, if everything that comes outta Clemens' mouth is a bold-faced lie, why thy fuck are you moaning and groaning about him not talking? If all he does is lie and try to ruin the sanctity of the American game and choke puppies, what the fuck do you even care what he has to say if it's just gonna be a lie anyways? Total fuckwad. Too fucking lazy to think of anybody else to write about. Wait til he discovers Britney, he'll have 4 columns a day.

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