Friday, February 22, 2008

I Will Live On!!!

Earlier today I get a call from my brother, who tells me that what do you know, Paddy Mac has inherited one of my traits! Wow, I think, how cool is that. My sense of humor? My athleticism, my musical “talent”? Ability to remember birthdays? What could it be?

I believe I’ve spoken before on this blog (I always say that, don’t I? “on this blog”…as if maybe it was on Xmastime, maybe it was in the Washington Post, maybe it was in a MASH script. What a idiot) about, after growing up in a house with 6 people sharing 1 bathroom, my love of taking my time on the bowl. I routinely spend 20, 30 minutes sitting peacefully on my throne, reading without a care in the world. Anytime you think to yourself “where’s Xmastime?” you can picture me sitting on the can, and odds are you’ll be right.

Well, turns out Paddy Mac treasures his porcelain time too. Apparently toilet training him took about 10 minutes, lil man to it like a duck to…toilet bowl water. My brother said once he gets on there he loves to take his time, settle in for awhile, relax. My guy! Now no matter what, we’ll always have a bond.

Then today his mom is looking for him, and finds him sitting on the bowl (if he starts calling it his “office”, I’m really gonna get choked up.) But not only is he sitting there, but apparently after a few minutes of staring at the shower curtain he said “hmm, what’s this?” and there she finds him contentedly looking at an issue of The Economist while doing God’s work. Fucking awesome. Paddy Mac!!!!!

Me on my bathroom love here.

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