Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm Reeking, Baby!

George: I thought Mulva hated you.
Jerry: Yeah, so did I. You know what? I bet it was the engagement. I've shown I can go all the way.
George: All the way?
Jerry: Not our "all the way", their "all the way." I got the stink of responsibility on me.
George: Yeah, and you were engaged for like a minute, I was engaged for a year.
Jerry: You stink worse than I do!
George: I'm feeling something else here, Jerry!

The last 2 weeks or so I've noticed that every time I'm walking down the street, every smoking hot chick gives me the eye as they're walking by. Before, they'd avert my look and breeze past me. No look, no smile...now they tractor beam on me, locking in with a big flirty smile. I've spent the last week baffled, thinking what the fuck...and then it hit me. I've got the stink of Fashion Week on me!!! These chicks can smell it on me, they're catching whiffs of me spending time with ridiculously hot women. They can't really pinpoint it themselves, but the stench of it drives them crazy; they wanna be close to such hotness, and they think (know?) they gotta get through me to get near it. They intuit "this dude has SOMEthing going on!" They don't know what it is, but I do. Every "10" from now on is gonna get a full-on Xmastime "heeeeey, how you doing baby?" thrown back at 'em. Maybe I'll memorize Swingers, who knows. Get a good whiff ladies, soak it in!!!!

1 comment:

BayonneMike said...

Don't forget your video camera. This I want to see.