Friday, February 22, 2008

Worlds Colliding

It was almost a year ago I fell in love with her...I loved her song, she was amazing, and her being horse-faced sealed the deal. In love. But then she threw me a curveball - the next song of hers I heard, I might've liked even more:

Stick your blood into somebody else's heart. Fucking a.

And then I saw her do a version of "Real Love", which was my super Anthology slice (if somebody can explain why they released "Free as a Bird" first please do, I'd love to know..."Real Love" is an amazing song, with the 3rd best drumming on a Beatles song Ringo's ever done...) and that was it, down for the count, I was in love...and just when I thought I had forgotten about my girl, just when I was ready to name my first four kids "Rehab", I hear this cut, which is ALSO a super slice.

Regina Spektor. The girl I'm in love with, but also my favorite new artist of the last two years. Her and Winehouse; when the fuck was the last time my 2 favorite artists were girls? Newton-John/Newton-John?

1 comment:

Gina said...

Beautiful all around.

For the ultimate in horse face and beehive check out Nicole Atkins. Sounds more like Linda Ronstad.