Wednesday, March 26, 2008

All My Loving (Has Cost Me Every Penny I've Ever Made)

I'm really, REALLY starting to fucking bristle at this shit now. Give me a fucking break. You got $50M. Plus some $70k/year as well as all school and nanny costs taken care of. And you obviously get a 50% break on shoes, unlike most women. I'm sorry, but you were married for 5 years. Just cause you didn't like the way Macca kept leaving the lid up on the bowl doesn't entitle you to a clip of every penny he ever earned in his lifetime. Give it a fucking rest; it's not like you were darning socks and blocking hats 24 hours/day while he was going to Rockstar School. The "I don't like him any more so I gonna make him pay with every cent he's ever eyeballed" sense of entitlement has got to change. And I suggest we start with this case, which is becoming beyond absurd. I'm sorry your marriage didn't work out, but it doesn't mean your divorce has to be so obscenely out of scale. For fuck's sake. Enough.

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

If only my new favorite superblogger ANONYMOUS could give her a piece of his mind... She'd crumble under his castigation and prolly give back all the money!