Monday, March 17, 2008

Arlen Spector

I'm alway slightly surprised whenever I re-stumble upon the fact that Arlen Spector is the author of the single bullet theory in the JFK assassination case. I guess anytime something has passed so thoroughly into pop culture/folklore, I'm always slightly surprised that a single person is 1) responsible 2) still alive. Not just a nebulous, painted-portrait character from the annals of history. Like whenever I realize that Bobby Plump is a real person and could be interviewed today for an issue of Playboy and a fruit pie.

But it occured to me today how surprised I am that, after selling the county such a crock of shit SO universally accepted, Arlen Spector never really made a serious bid for the presidency. I mean for fuck's sake; you'd think anyone that can sell the country on this could sell dick popsicles to Melissa Ethridge. Don't you picture him backstage "really? they...they believe it? holy shit!..." You'd think he'd be like fucking hell, these idiots will believe anything from me...I think I'll run for President and invent the female orgasm...


ope said...

wait. you dont believe in the single bullet?!

Xmastime said...

dude mustve been lethal in the singles bars tho. "Really? You're Paul McCartney? with no British accent?...well...okay..(bra explodes)"

Rambler said...

dude, go read case closed by Gerald Posner and get over it.