Thursday, March 27, 2008

Blacks and Whites

I've noticed that whenever I'm strolling around with Short Bus, about 85% of black guys that walk by look at him and give a little smile, or a "wassup little man" or some such. At worst, they at least notice him. Very nice. But I have yet to see a fucking white dude be distracted from his Gang of Four b-sides alternate takes playlist to even glance at the kid. Fuckwads. Or is this some social commentary on their part, disgusted with Short Bus' very existence since only people on the Upper East side should have kids, and even then it should be adoption. Fuckwads.


Anonymous said...

"If Xmastime were NOT a white
inhabitant of Brooklyn, (albeit a quasi-Brooklynite, since he is not Brooklyn born but has his roots in both the North AND South, thus a dyed in the wool Brooklynite) he would not be where he is in this situation".

Gina said...

perhaps the black man looks at you and sees a single father, deserving of respect for having remained an active part of his child's life... where the white dude thinks that you have been either forced into or have chosen the role of Mr. Mom, feels embarrassed for you and must look away. Not that there is anything wrong with being Mr. Mom, or a Manny, both highly esteemed positions in a society laden with latchkey kids.

Sorry if it sounds racist.

Anonymous said...

short bus is what you call that cock of yours?


(i notice him)

Anonymous said...

next time i'll just type in

dick joke