Monday, March 03, 2008

Boy, Has My Life Changed

I just spent 25 minutes desperately trying to remember what the boy wore last week to our "My Grownup and Me" class at the Y so I don't put the same outfit on him for tomorrow's class. Fucking christ.

UPDATE: just remembered, I think it was this:


retotted said...

don't forget. his waterproof boa is in the downstairs closet. booya

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to brush your hair.

Gina said...

how cute. take pictures! do you all get to swim there at the Y? Do you own swim trunks? I know...You could get MATCHING trunks! They have this blowup slide thing at some of the Ys, which is so cool. It's like a two story tunnel drop into the deep end. Huh?! You guys would love it!