Thursday, March 27, 2008

For Christ's Sake, Enough

So now Canseco is sayin A-Rod was interested in steroids. Fine. He's gotta sell books I guess...tho his "more info at a later time" breadcrumb trail of having to buy more and more books is annoying. But I see in the paper today that at one time Canseco said that Clemens was using. But now, after all the Mitchell report/Congress hullaballoo, Jose is saying no way Clemens did roids. Wtf? Only Canseco gets to know who used; otherwise he gets cranky? He's like the indie-rock kid who loves some obscure band, then gets bent outta shape when other people find and like the band. What a shithead.

Also, has anyone ever capitalized on being the first criminal in a such a mess as Canseco? For a guy that started it all he sure has gotten a lot of fame and fortune (and now, incredibly, public goodwill and trust), hasn't he? I'll say this: if Canseco gets to make money off books detailing steroid use, OJ gets to make money off any book he wants to write about the killings. For fuck's sake.


here. said...

undie rock?

sounds all fuzzy and wonderful!

here. said...
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