Monday, March 24, 2008

I'm Getting Old, Chapter XXI

For the first time ever, I am looking forward to warm weather. This winter sucked anyway, pretty much no snow. It's been JUUUUUST cold enough to be a pain in the ass without any "exciting" weather. Just cold enough to be detrimental to wanting to go outside and get sopme exercise. Mostly, it's a pain in the ass taking care of the boy when it's so cold. When it's warm, you can just throw the kid in his stroller and walk anywhere, do anything. Even if you have no plans, you can always go to a park and play. When it's cold, there's no point in subjecting him to the weather at all unless you have actual plans. Then you hafta bundle him up - onesie, shirt, sweatshirt, bundle-me, shoes, jacket, cap. Then you can't walk anywhere, you gotta take the train. Which is a pain in the ass. Then once you get where you're going you gotta un-bundle him, and then re-bundle when you're taking off from there. And on and on and on.

So. For ONCE, I wish it was warm. Christ, I'm fucking getting old.

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