Flipping around I landed on some local news channel, where the anchorwoman brings up a new story of a woman arrested for endangering the lives of her children. Apparently the fuzz showed up and the house was falling apart, and their was filth and human shit everywhere. Then her anchor partner jumps in with "and to make things worse, the lady was drunk."
Really? How does this makes things "worse"? Seems like it'd be a relief, no? "Oh well, of course the place was a wreck, Lucy was fucking shitfaced!" Wouldn't it be worse if that's how "Lucy" was when she was sober? Wtf? How many times you think someone's been telling a story and somone breaks in "hold up, Xmas did WHAT??!!.....ooooh, he was wasted. Oh, okay, keep going." No problem, right? There's no "Xmas brought a fat girl home and pissed on her cat" sober stories, are there? No. And wouldn't it bother you if there was? I mean, camon. We're living in a SOCIETY, people!!!!
This just made me laugh so fucking hard. Dude, I love you. And I ain't even drunk.
made me cry, but i'm drunk.
It must be my hardened news producer assholeness showing. When we hear about a murder we get excited. Gotta fill the fucking newscast with something.. We know we're douchebags, if that makes you feel any better.
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